@gustavos991_ "I want to increase cycle time sounds counter intuitive at first but it has definitely been a game changing mindset for us. Less time opening and closing doors, blowing chips and handling parts. More time actually machining parts. More time for the team to work on other tasks." Take your productivity to the next level!
Marine Manufacturer Makes Seamless Switch to Robotic Welding (Watch Video) DeAngelo Marine Exhaust had nearly given up automating complex, manual TIG welds until the company came across Hirebotics' Cobot Welder. The Florida manufacturer of exhaust parts has now been able to increase weld speed tenfold, lower lead times, and improve quality using its new cobot colleague. Full Article
Putting a Stamp on Savings (Watch Video) A stamping manufacturer replaced four open pipes with two Exair nozzles so they would comply with OSHA noise requirements, and in the process, they saved over $1,500 per year in compressed air. Full Article
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