TODAY'S HIGH TECHNOLOGY JOB SHOP has redefined the U.S. manufacturing landscape. Inspired by global competition and evolving economics, the Job Shop has emerged from its innovative roots to become a premier purchaser of high precision, high quality, highly efficient machine tools, production equipment, software, tooling and accessories.
MAN has been the primary connection between the Job Shop and its diverse vendors since 1967. MAN E-NEWS continues to provide the necessary information and real-world solutions essential for growth and profitability in this escalating U.S. manufacturing sector.
Job Shop decision makers that include corporate executives
and engineers in manufacturing/production.
MAN E-NEWS DELIVERS EDITORIAL covering the latest innovations, news, features, and products vital to the Job Shop including:
MAN E-NEWS RETURNS LEADS! Your ad includes 50 words of text, product photo or logo (133 x 133 pixels, jpg, gif, or png), and up to 3 web links... and we do the production for you. Then receive leads you can keep and act on immediately via phone, email, or direct mail!
Top position $1,489 net • Other positions $1,295 net
(for larger sizes, please contact a sales rep)
Blasts 2nd Wednesday of every month
Vern Nelson, Publisher 800-226-6113 x 106
Bob West, Associate Publisher 800-226-6113 x 105
Place your ad in the monthly Manufacturing Center Product Spotlight, sent via email to 85,000 metalworking professionals... complete with leads you can keep and use to contact immediately through email, phone or direct mail.
Send us your 50 words of text, product photo or logo (133 x 133 pixels, jpg, gif, or png), and up to 3 web links... and we'll do the rest!
Top position $1,995 net • Other positions $1,870 net
(for larger sizes, please contact sales rep)
Blasts 4th Wednesday of every month.
Vern Nelson, Publisher 800-226-6113 x 106
Bob West, Associate Publisher 800-226-6113 x 105
AUDIENCE MAN-Modern Applications News is an industry-respected, monthly electronic eNewsletter with a circulation of more than 25,000 qualified metalworking professionals. MAN’s target market is the high-tech job shop, OEM and contract manufacturer in both machining and fabricating environments... those that work to close tolerances and high quality, in materials ranging from mild steel to exotic metals, producing prototypes, one-offs, and short to full production runs.
CONTENT MAN prefers case histories of job shops, OEM's and contract manufacturers. Articles should be between 300 and 600 words and provide in detail how a process or technology has improved efficiency or saved time, money, increased the quality of products, or made the company more competitive. The article should examine the company’s initial challenge, the company’s main line of business, the solution the company found, and why the product worked in that application.
SUBMISSIONS MAN invites your company to submit new products and news editorial for the job shop market. Our editors monitor and evaluate news releases on a daily basis for possible inclusion in the next issue. Your news release may receive the MAN Hot product/Service monthly award for Job Shops.
PREFERRED SUBMISSION FORMAT Preferred format is a Word file e-mailed to Bob West or Vern Nelson along with photos in tif, jpeg, png format at 300 dpi. Transfers can be made via FTP at Submissions are also acceptable on CD.
Paper submissions are considered, but not preferred. They may be submitted to Vern Nelson, MAN at Nelson Publishing, Inc. 2500 Tamiami Trail North, Nokomis, FL 34275.
Vern Nelson, Editorial Director 800-226-6113 x 106
Bob West, Managing Editor 800-226-6113 x 105